On Venus In Leo, And On Women And Visibility
Can a woman/femme be spectacular without being made a spectacle of?
Understanding Your Rising Sign Through Shared House Rulerships
Each traditional planet (minus the Sun and Moon) rules a pair of houses in any given chart. Thinking about that planet's function as a synthesis of those two house topics can tell you so much about why a particular rising sign is...like that!
Leo Stereotypes That Are Kind Of True In Theory
To be a Leo is to either have a power ballad for a personality or to create a standup comedy routine out of your attempts to hide from the spotlight. With Leo, there’s often either an overt desire to be seen and appreciated or a sort of self-effacing humor that inadvertently draws more attention to itself.
Enter: Leo Season, Stage Left
The shift from the navel-gazing of Cancer to the proud, confident strides of Leo is a lot like the dichotomy between impressionism and expressionism. We care less about the immediate perceptions we absorb from the energies around us, and more about the drama of our subjective experience.