Pluto In Between And The Return Of Indie Sleaze
Hey Mom, can you pick me up? Pluto's leaving Capricorn and they're glamorizing 2008
Mars Retrograde 2020: All The Rage
With Mars and Saturn locked in with one another for months, might we actually be able to chip away at a seemingly intractable situation?
The Astrology Of 2020
The Saturn/Pluto script we’re currently running has been building like a wave the whole time, and in many cases, it’s already crashed on our shores. Now, as the moment of truth nears, we’re reminded that the only way out is through.
The Astrology Of 2019
In 2019, there’s an emphasis on leaning into emotional intelligence and visionary impulses — our ability to tell a better story — in order to light our way through a tunnel of adversity.
On Pluto Cycles and Regenerative Chaos
With Pluto in Capricorn from 2008 to 2024, we’ve still got our work cut out for us in terms of exposing corruption, limiting the excessive spread of corporate power, and reforming the global economy in a way that truly serves people, and not just a wealthy few at the top.